ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ I. Предстоятели поместных церквей с начала 20 столетия по настоящее время


Константинопольская (глава – Святейший Архиепископ Константинополя - Нового Рима и Вселенский Патриарх)

1. Герман V 1913 – 1918

2. Мелетий IV (Метаксакис) 1921 – 1923

3. Григорий VII 1923 – 1924

4. Константин VI 1924 – 1925

5. Василий III 1925 – 1929

6. Фотий II 1929 – 1935

7. Вениамин I 1936 – 1946

8. Максим V 1946 – 1948

9. Афинагор I (Спиру) 1948 – 1972

10. Димитрий I 1972 – 1991

11. Варфоломей I (Архондони) с 1991 г.


Александрийская (глава – Блаженнейший, Божественнейший и Святейший Отец и Пастыреначальник, Папа и Патриарх Великого Града Александрии, Ливии, Пентапопш Эфиопии, всего Египта и всей Африки, Отец Отцов, Пастырь Пастырей, Архиерей Архиереев, Тринадцатый Апостол, Судья Вселенной)

1. Фотий (Пероглу) 1900 – 1925

2. Мелетий II (Метаксакис) 1926 – 1935

3. Николай V (Евангелидис) 1936 – 1939

4. Христофор II (Даниилидис) 1939 – 1967

5. Николай VI (Варелопулос) 1968 – 1986

6. Парфений III (Койнидис) 1987 – 1996

7. Петр VII (Папапетру) 1997 – 2004

8. Феодор II (Хорефтакис) с 2004 г.


Антиохийская (глава – Блаженнейший Патриарх Великой Антиохии, Сирии, Киликии, Иверии, Месопотамии и всего Востока)

1. Мелетий II (Думани) 1899 – 1906

2. Григорий IV (Хаддад) 1906 – 1928

3. Александр III (Тахан) 1931 – 1958

4. Феодосий VI (Абурджели) 1958 – 1970

5. Илия VI (Муаввад) 1970 – 1979

6. Игнатий IV (Хазим) с 1979 г.

Иерусалимская (глава – Блаженнейший Патриарх Святого Града Иерусалима и всей Палестины)


1. Дамиан 1897 – 1931

2. Тимофей 1935 – 1957

3.Венедикт 1958 – 1980

4. Диодор 1981 – 2000

5. Ириней 2001 – 2005

6. Феофил III с 2005 г.


Грузинская (глава – Святейший и Блаженнейший Католикос-Патриарх всей Грузии, Архиепископ Мцхетский и Тбилисский)


1. Кирион III (Садзаглишвили) 1917 – 1918

2. Леонид (Окропиридзе) 1918 – 1921

3. Амвросий Хелая 1921 – 1927

4. Христофор II (Цицкишвили) 1927 – 1932

5. Каллистрат (Цинцадзе) 1932 – 1952

6. Мелхиседек III (Пхаладзе) 1952 – 1960

7. Ефрем II (Сидамонидзе) 1960 – 1972

8. Давид V (Девдариани) 1972 – 1977

9. Илия II (Шиолошвили) с 1977 г.


Сербская (глава – Святейший Патриарх Сербский, Архиепископ Печский, Митрополит Белградо-Карловацкий с 1920)


1. Димитрий 1920 – 1930

2. Варнава 1930 – 1937

3. Гавриил 1937 – 1950

4. Викентий 1950 – 1958

6. Герман 1958 – 1990

7. Павел с 1991 г.


Румынская (глава – митрополит-примас, с 1925 г. – Блаженнейший Архиепископ Бухарестский, Митрополит Мунтенский и Добруджийский, Наместник Кесарии Каппадокийской и Патриарх всей Румынии)


1. Иосиф (Георгиан) 1896 – 1909

2. Афанасий (Миронеску) 1909 – 1911

3. Конон (Арэмеску-Донич) 1912 – 1919

4. Мирон (Кристя) 1919 – 1938

5. Никодим (Мунтяну) 1939 – 1948

6. Юстиниан (Марина) 1948 – 1977

7. Иустин (Моисеску) 1977 – 1986

8. Феоктист (Арэпашу) 1986 – 2007

9. Даниил (Чеботеа) с 2007 г.


Болгарская (глава – экзарх, с 1915 г. – председатель Священного Синода, с 1953 г. – Святейший Патриарх Болгарский, Митрополит Софийский)


1. Иосиф 1872 – 1915

2. Софийский митрополит Парфений 1915 – 1918

3. Доростоло-Червенский митрополит Василий 1918 – 1921, (1927)

4. Пловдивский митрополит Максим 1921 – 1927, (1938)

4. Врачанский митрополит Климент 1928 — 1930

5. Видинский митрополит Неофит 1930 – 1944, (1971)

6. Софийский митрополит Стефан 1944 – 1948, (1957)

7. Доростоло-Червенский митрополит Михаил 1948

8. Врачанский митрополит Паисий 1949-1951

9. Пловдивский митрополит Кирилл 1951 – 1971

10. Максим с 1971 г.


Кипрская (глава – Блаженнейший Архиепископ Новой Юстинианы и всего Кипра)


1. Кирилл II 1909 - 1916

2. Кирилл III 1916 - 1933

3. Леонтий I 1947

4. Макарий II 1947 - 1950

5. Макарий III 1950 - 1977

6. Хризостом I 1977 – 2006

7. Хризостом II c 2006 г.


Элладская (глава – митрополит, с 1923 г. – Блаженнейший Архиепископ Афинский и всей Эллады)


1. Феоклит I Минопулос 1902 – 1917

2. Мелетий III Метаксакис 1918 – 1920

3. Феоклит II 1920 – 1922

4. Хризостом I Пападопулос 1923 – 1938

5. Хрисанф Филиппидис 1938 – 1941

6. Дамаскин Папандреу 1941 – 1949

7. Спиридон Влахос 1949 – 1956

8. Дорофей III Коттарас 1956 – 1957

9. Феоклит III Панагиотопулос 1957 – 1962

10. Иаков III Ваванатос 1962

11. Хризостом II Хатзиставру 1962 – 1967

12. Иероним I Коцонис 1967 – 1973

13. Серафим I Тикас 1974 – 1998

14. Христодул Параскевиадис с 1998 г.


Албанская (глава – Блаженнейший Архиепископ Тиранский и всей Албании, Митрополит Тирано-Дуррас-Елвасанский)


1. Христофор (Киси) 1937 – 1949

2. Паисий (Водица) 1949 – 1966

3. Дамиан 1966 – 1973

4. Анастасий (Яннулатос) с 1992 г.


Польская (глава – Блаженнейший Митрополит Варшавский и всей Польши)


1. Георгий 1921 – 1923

2. Дионисий 1923 – 1948

3. Архиепископ Тимофей (временно) 1948 – 1951

4. Макарий 1951 – 1961

5. Тимофей 1961 – 1962

6. Архиепископ Лодзинский и Познаньский Георгий (временно) 1962 – 1965

7. Стефан 1965 – 1969

8. Василий 1970 – 1998

9. Савва с 1998 г.


Чехословацкая (глава – Блаженнейший Архиепископ Пражский, Митрополит Чешских земель и Словакии)


1. Елевферий 1951 – 1955

2. Иоанн 1955 – 1964

3. Дорофей 1964 – 1999

4. Николай с 2000 г.


ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ II. International Interfaith Conferences since 1893


Parliament of the World's Religions(PWR), first world conference in Chicago.


International Peace Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.


Foundation of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), UK.

Regular conferences have been held all through the century.


Foundation of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, The Hague, Netherlands.


"Conversations de Malines", Belgium, between Catholics and Anglicans.


Foundation of World Congress of Faiths (WCF), UK


Creation of the United Nations Organization (UNO), NY, USA.


Foundation of the World Council of Churches (Christian churches: Protestant, Anglican, and Orthodox)(WCC). Switzerland.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights


First Indian Interreligious meeting at New Delhi.


Creation of The Temple of Understanding (TOU) NY, USA.


The Second Vatican Council's decree "Nostra Aetate", meant a substantial change in attitude of the Catholic Church to other religions, resulting in the erection of a 'Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue'.


January : New Delhi International Interfaith Symposium by the Ghandi Peace Foundation. In his introductory speech Dr. Zakir Husain said: 'When the spirit of the Mountain Sermon, the compassion (karuna) of Buddha's wisdom, the Hindu concept of non-violence (ahimsa) and the passion of the Islam for obedience to the will of God can go together, then we shall see what strong powers can be created for peace in the world.'

From 1968 on:

Interreligious conferences and congresses were organized on a regular basis by the mentioned organisations, IARF, WCF, WCC, TOU, WCRP.


Kyoto, Japan: foundation of World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP). 500 participants, with as speakers Dom Helder Camara, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake

for the World Council of Churches, Dr. Nikkyo Niwano for Rissho Kosei Kai, Japan,

Thich Nhat Hanh (Tibetan Buddhism). Followed by WCRP world conferences 1974 in Leuven, Belgium; 1979 in Princetown(USA); 1984 in Nairobi with 600 participants from all world religions; 1989 in Melbourne, Australia.


The International Conference for the Encounter of Jews, Christians and Muslims in Europe (JCM), founded in 1972, started their yearly conferences, every year twice for a whole week, in the Hedwig-Dransfeld-Haus at Bendorf, near Koblenz, Germany.


Universal Islamic Human Rights Declaration, Islamic World Congress, Dr. Jinnamullah Khan, secretary general.


Universal Peace Conference by the Brahma Kumaris (BK) World Spiritual University, India, with declaration of a Charter for Universal peace, followed by five more peace conferences held on Mount Abu, the BK headquarters in India.


The 1983 Ammerdown meeting was convened by the World Congress of Faiths and The Temple of Understanding to seek ways of collaboration between international interfaith organisations.


Ammerdown Conference by WCF and TOU plans to commemorate the 1893 meeting.


The Promise of World Peace, by the Baha'i Universal House of Justice.

The "Peace Messenger" award was granted by the UNO in 1987.


Foundation of the North American Interfaith Network (NAIN), USA.


Assisi (Italy) prayermeeting on invitation by Pope John Paul II with representatives

of all world religions.


First Muslim-Christian Consultation, organized by the Al-Albait Foundation, Amman, Jordan, followed by another similar consultation in 1987, 1988, 1989, 1993, 1994,1996 and from 1989 followed also by yearly Muslim-Christian symposia with the Pontifical Council for Interreligious dialogue (The Vatican).


Establishment of The Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom(IFNUK), linking 70 organisations.


Prayermeeting on Mount Hiei, Kyoto, on invitation by the Buddhist Tendai church,

with participation of leaders of the world religions, which meeting

has been repeated each year since then.


2nd Ammerdown Conference, in cooperation with IARF, TOU, WCF, and WCRP.


The Christian-Muslim Pentecost Conference

(CMPC) started their yearly conferences, sponsored by the Hedwig-Dransfeld-Haus, Bendorf, and the German Muslim-League Bonn e.V. (DMLBonn), Bonn, Germany.


The Dialogue-Conference Christianity-Islam, organised by the German Muslim-League, Bonn e.V. and the Evangelische Erwachsenbildung im Kirchenkreis an Sieg und Rhein, Siegburg, started their yearly conferences in Maltheserhof, K?nigswinter-R?mlinghoven (near Bonn).


IARF Congress in Hamburg.


Won Buddhist Interreligious meeting in cooperation with IARF, Rep. of Korea,

centenary celebration of the Won Buddhist religion, Founder Sot'aesan.


World Fellowship of Interreligious Councils : Conference in Cochin, India.


Europe, Religions and Peace, at Leuven and Brussels, Belgium, organized by Sant-Egidio and the Catholic Diocese of Mechelen-Brussels.


Delhi Conference : Sikhs religion in cooperation with the Council of World's Religions, Unification Church.


Interreligious Conference in Berkeley, San Francisco, by the North American Interfaith Network (NAIN).


Bangalore Conference "Sharing Visions for the Next Century"., Sarva Dharma Sammelana. Organised by the International Interfaith Organizations Coordinating Committee in a unique first global collaboration with four of the main western interfaith organisations: WCF, IARF, IIC and WCRP gathering of 600 people actively engaged in inter-faith work in 28 countries.


World Fellowship of Interreligious Councils : Kanyakumari, India.


On occasion of the Parliament of World's Religions 1993, almost unanimous acceptance by the delegates of the Global Ethic as proposed by Prof. Hans K?ng, T?bingen, Germany.


Foundation of the International Interfaith Centre (IIC), UK.


World Conference WCRP in Riva di Garcia, Italy.


"The Contribution by Religions to the Culture of Peace", Barcelona, Spain, organized by UNESCO, attended by 57 personalities of the main world religions.

'Declaration on the Role of religion in the Promotion of a Culture of Peace'.


Creation of the United Religions Initiative (URI), by the Episcopal Bishop William Swing, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, USA., as a world project to create a United Religions Organization, besides the UNO., in which all world religions and spiritual movements should be represented. Charter and establishment of the United Religions Organization planned for the year 2000.


Creation of the "United Traditions Organization"(UTO), Karma Ling Institute, Lama Denys, Hameau St Hugon, 73110 Arvillard, France.


"Roads of Faiths" - The Malta Declaration, organized by UNESCO, attended by 25

personalities of the Jewish (6), Christian (10), Muslim (7), Buddhist (1) and Sikh (1) faiths, and 5 of the organizers.


'Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities' by the InterActive Council, Tokyo, Japan.


International Interfaith Conference(IIC)annual conference, Westminster College, Oxford.


United Religions Initiative Global Summit III, Stanford University, near San Francisco.


World Conference WCRP in Amman, Jordan.


IIC Conference in Oxford, UK , Facing the Past, Freeing the Future.


World Peace Conference, centennial anniversary of a similar conference in 1899 in The Hague, Netherlands, by Stichting Davidhouse, Spiritueel geboortecentrum, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


United Religions Initiative Global Summit IV, Stanford University, near San Francisco.


Int'l Coordinating Council in Israel, In the Footsteps of Abraham - a spiritual pilgrimage.


Sorrento Retreat Centre with IIC in Canada. Healing of the Nations: Religious Communities Contributing to Peace and Wholeness.


IARF Congress, Creating an Earth Community: a Religious Imperative, Vancouver, Canada.


Vatican convoked: International Interreligious Assembly “On the Eve of the Third Millennium. Collaboration among the Different Religions”. 200 Participants from 20 different religious traditions from 21 different countries.


Anuvrat Global Organization 4th International Conference on Peace & Nonviolent Action, New Delhi, India


WCRP Assembly in Amman, Jordan. Global Action for Common Living: Religion in the Next Millennium.


Council of the Parliament of World's Religions in Capetown, South Africa.

A New Day Dawning: Spiritual yearnings and Sacred Possibilities.

IIC/CPWR Symposium: Interfaith in Action in a Global Context.


72 Hours of Interfaith Peacebuilding, United Religions Initiative, World-wide events.


World Fellowship of Inter-Religious Councils in Cochin, Kerala, India: “Hope in Harmony”. More than 200 participants of all faith communities in India.


Ecumenical Interfaith Conference 2000 at Beltville, USA. The High Priestess: Women & Ministry.


IIC Conference : Education for Peaceful Living.


Worldwide signing of the United Religions Charter, supported by walking pilgrimages all over the world.


First European signature at the Unesco House, Paris


National Convention on Communal Harmony & Peace Trust, Kanyakumari, India. 200 delegates representing 11 Indian States


“Oceans of Peace”, Religions and Cultures in Dialogue, 13th International Meeting, Lissabon, Portugal. Organized by the Saint-Egidio Community.


International Interfaith Network meeting of 14 international interfaith organizations in Oxford, UK.


International Inter-Faith Consultation on Peace, Security & Reconciliation, Freetown, Siera Leone.


“Frontiers of Dialogue. Religions and Civilizations in the new millennium”. 400 Religious leaders from the main faith communities, with conferences, open to the public, attended by thousands, Barcelona, Spain, organized by Sant’Egidio.


Interfaith Pilgrimage-Conference at Coimbatore. India, World Fellowship of Inter-Religious Councils (WFIRC), Upasana, + Divyodaya, Coimbatore. Theme: Promises and Challenges of Inter-Religious Dialogue. Contact: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.


Founding Meeting of the World Council of Religious Leaders at Buddhonthon Main Hall, Nakhon Pathom and The United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.

More than 100 religious leaders from around the world representing 13 religions attended. A direct outcome of the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders in 2000 in New York.


Asian Conference on Religion and Peace, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Theme: Asia, The Reconciler, 300 attendants from 20 countries, belonging to the main world religions.:


31st World Congress, IARF, Budapest, Hungary. Theme: Religious Freedom: Europe’s Story for Today’s World.


Sant-Egidio yearly meeting in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. “Religions and Cultures between Conflict and Dialogue”, 465 religious (7 Cardinals, Orthodox Patriarchs, Muslim and Judaic representatives) and political (President of Burundy Pierre Buyoya, Queen Paula of Belgium) personalities, 4000 participants.


St. Petersburg, Russia.Dr. Kamran Mofid, UK. An Interfaith Perspective on Globalisation, Ethics, Spirituality and Religions.


Conference under the theme “Religion and Globalization” organized by the Payap University and Payap University’s Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture, Chiang Mai, Thailand, co-sponsored by the International Network of Engaged Buddhists and many other organizations from around the world and within Thailand.


Interfaith meeting “Religion, Society and the Other: Hospitality, Hostility and the Hope of Human Flourishing” in Cordoba, Spain, of over 40 religious leaders and scholars from around the world.


Barcelona, Spain, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, Theme: Pathways to Peace: The Wisdom of Listening, The Power of Commitment


WCPR Symposium “Peace Building in Iraq : the Role of Multi-Religious Cooperation” held in Kyoto, Japan, attended by 180 religious delegates from Japan, Iraq and other countries.


World Prayer Day for Peace, by Sant'Egidio. 15.000 participants among whom 400 representatives from more than ten faith communities.


Africa’s Contribution to the Religious and Spiritual Heritage of the World, meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 40 Participants from 10 different countries, Christians, Muslims, African traditional religions and spirituality, followers of Candombl?, Orixas and Santeria. Organized by the WCC’s Office on Interreligious Relations in cooperation with the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.


World Alliance of Reformed Churches (1875), 24th General Council, at Accra, capital of Ghana., attended by 400 delegates from 218 reformed faith communities. The previous General Council took place in 1997 at Debrecen, Hungary, with follow-up events in 1999, 2003 and 2004. See the statement on their website.


Dialogue on Interfaith Cooperation, attended by 124 delegates from different religious traditions from 13 countries including 9 ASEAN members, organized by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia, in cooperation with the Islamic Central Committee of Muhammadiyah of Singapore.


The World Forum on Theology and Liberation in Porto Alegre, Brazil, attended by180 theologians from all parts of the world (just before the 26-31 January World Social Forum (WSF), organized by ecumenical organizations in Latin America, and supported by international ecumenical bodies including the World Council of Churches (WCC),



United Nations Headquarters

This ground-breaking conference was held at the United Nations that brought together government representatives, members of the United Nations system, and religious NGOs. There they discussed the need for strengthened interfaith dialogue and its importance for peacebuilding.

The Conference aimed to enhance interfaith cooperation among governments, civil society and the United Nations system, including the promotion of the culture of peace and dialogue among civilizations, and the translation of shared values into action, to achieve sustainable peace in the twenty-first century.

This conference was organized by the tripartite convening group composed of Governments: Argentina, Bangladesh, Gambia, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Spain and Tunisia; UN System organizations: UNESCO, UN/DESA and the World Bank; and Civil Society led by the Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN, with the Baha'i International Community, Temple of Understanding, United Methodist Church, United Religions Initiative, and World Peace Prayer Society.


CRITICAL MOMENT IN INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE CONFERENCE, organized by the WCC at the Ecumenical Centre, 150 route de Ferney, Switzerland, with 130 participants from more than 10 different faith communities.


Invited by the National Council of Christian Churches (CONIC) (Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB), the Anglican Episcopal, Reformed, Methodist, United Presbyterian, Syrian Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches), the 9th assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) will be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from 14-23 February 2006. Its theme is a prayer: "God, in your grace, transform the world". The first WCC assembly of the 21st century, it will gather up to 3,000 church leaders and ecumenical representatives from nearly every Christian tradition around the world. As such, it will be one of the broadest global gatherings of its kind.


Over 75,000 participants gathered in Nairobi during the 7th edition of the World Social Forum under the clarion “People’s Struggle’s, People’s Alternatives” . It placed social justice, international solidarity, gender equality, peace and defence of the environment on the agenda of the world’s peoples.


Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders' meeting in India. The theme for the meeting is: "Sharing Wisdom: The Case of Love and Forgiveness". Expecting 50 religious leaders from each of the major religions.